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时间:2016-01-21  / 编辑:Abby

  TASK 1

  题目:The number of people taking part in a wildlife survey in Britain between 2001 and 2009.


The number of people taking part in a wildlife survey in Britain between 2001 and 2009.




  此次小作文考察的为表格题中的动态图。要求对比分析的是英国在2001 年至2009年期间参与野生动物调查的成人及小孩数量。在文章的书写过程中首先要注意一个分段,那么针对动态图的书写,一般是根据时间的顺序推移写作,在注意趋势描写的同时也要注意两类人群之间的对比以及对总体数量的关注。另外在时态方面,主要是一般过去时的运用。

  范文:(word count: 193)

  The table presents the information about the numbers of both adults and children surveyed in a particular country during the period from 2001 to 2009.

  It is clear from the table that an increasing number of adults and children had taken part in the survey about the wildlife in Britain; the total number participated soared from 48,000 in 2001 to 540,000 in 2009, which increased more than ten times. The year 2003 witnessed the greatest increase in the number of people involved in the survey, with the number of adults increased by approximately six times and children exactly three times.

  However,the year 2005 experienced a slight decrease in the number of children participating in the survey while the number of adults still showed an upward trend (increased by 120,000). Afterwards, both adults and children decreased by 1,000 in 2007. It is noticeable from the table that the year 2009 the number of children surveyed rose significantly which reached 270,000 and finally equaled the number of adults.

  Overall, more and more people started to take part in the survey about wildlife in Brittan, even though there was some fluctuation in particular years.

  TASK 2






  A recent newspaper article reports that a 14-year-old boy who seriously destroyed his school got a punishment to clean streets instead of sent to the prison, do you think this is right? Or the young criminals should be sent to the jail.


  作为16年首个换题月的第二场考试,这个题目着实是达到了它应该有的难度。首先,问法较新颖,先是就题干中给的观点进行提问,然后又提问考生对另外一个观点的看法。所以这道题,其实就是对两个观点的讨论,可以转换成:Some people think that a 14-year-old boy who seriously destroyed his school should get a punishment to clean streets, while others think that young criminals should be sent to the jail. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 这样一来,这个题目对我们而言就非常热悉了。

  对于“打扫街道卫生“这个立场,我们应该是支持的态度,因为题目中所提到罪犯年仅14岁,在大多数国家的法律当中,未成年人犯罪都是需要从轻处罚的。因此,我们可以用“1. 小孩子心智不成热;2.小孩子的可塑注较强,应当以教育型惩罚为主”这两个观点来支持。



  Children nowadays are exposed in a diversified environment where they have absolute access to internet, being able to befriend with people from a variety of backgrounds. This may result in children's antisocial behavior and there is a heat debate on whether teenagers who commit serious crimes should be punished by doing some volunteering jobs or being imprisoned.

  Contributing to their community can be an effectively way to tell them that they are victimizing other people. One argument in its favor is that they are immature. It would be a difficult thing to predict the consequences of their behavior and law knowledge might not be sufficiently acquired at that young age. Another important factor in this respect is that they are formable in character compared to adult criminal, thus it is better to educate them. Doing something valuable to their society can embed a sense of responsibility in them and give them an opportunity to reflect on their deviance, which will truly rectify their criminality.

  However, of course those who advocate custody sentence may have some plausibility to some extent. Allowing them to recognizing their mistakes is the priority of taking adolescent law breakers into prison. Once received harsh penalty, preventing persistent crime seems to be possible. But the believers of this have ignored the issue over what if they are negatively influenced by other prisoners? How should they face the society with an ex-record especially when finding jobs.

  In conclusion, I therefore believe that having faith in the young who go astray cannot he a more effective way to solve raging young criminal activities and taking responsibility for their living surroundings is the best way to do this. (278 words)

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