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时间:2015-10-09  / 编辑:danyang


  This is a challenging topic to talk in this part, coz I think I could not finish it within 2 mins, for it is really serious now in the world.

  Aging is a world wide phenomenon nowadays. It is a headache for many countries especially the developed countries, like Japan and America. There are some reasons for it. To begin with, the pressure in the competitive society is an important factor. Many people feel stressed out themselves, and they don’t want to give birth to babies, even get married. So more and more families are becoming DINKS. Fewer children are born now, the there is little new blood in the society. What’s more, because of the rapid development of technology and science, medical skills are becoming more advanced. Therefore, people’s life expectancy is getting longer and longer.

  You see, the oldest are in the 90’s and there are no offsprings from the younger generation. Definitely, aging is facing us.

  I think the government should set up some policies to solve the problem. For example, they can encourage the young couples to give birth to babies, by giving them a large sum of subsidies. And also they should invest more money to education, then education fee for a child will be reduced. Parents would not have too much financil burden for children then.

  That’s all I want to say about it.

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