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时间:2016-02-29  / 编辑:Abby

  Is social networking very popular in China nowadays?

  Definitely. I think it’s plain to see that social networking is entwined in many people's daily lives in China these days. Apps such as WeChat or Weibo have hundreds of millions of users and some people are even joining foreign social networks, like Facebook or WhatsApp.


  How did you first learn about social networking?

  I first knew about social networking through my friends. My first experience was when I was at university and everybody had QQ. It had begun to take off when I was in high school, but I was too busy and didn’t have access to the internet. I remember being very slow at typing back then and talking to lots of strangers online.


  Will the social network be more and more popular?

  I think the only way is up for social networking. It's already a massive part of our lives and as more people are able to afford smartphones then there will be more and more users. You can use social networks for so much in your day-to-day life these days that they have become indispensable and we will only become more dependent on them.


  What are the disadvantages of social networking?

  Social networks allow us to keep in touch like never before, but now that more people have mobile internet it is too easy to spend all your time on them. If you look around on a normal subway carriage, you'll see almost everybody has their eyes locked on their phone, chatting on social networks or looking at what people are posting.


  Should parents allow their children to use social networks?

  I think it can be very unhealthy for children to use social networks. It can be hard enough to go through school life, but the pressure to have many online "friends" and get "likes" when you post photos can be crushing. Unfortunately parents have little choice but to allow their children to use them, otherwise it could be even more damaging to a kid’s social life.


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