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时间:2016-03-10  / 编辑:Abby

  1.Do you often use public transportation?

  No. I am considered an "extreme commuter", meaning I have a commute of 90 minutes or more. I live 81 miles from my job. There is no public transit service from my home community to the city where I work.


  2.What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?

  I get dropped off in the morning by either my mom or my sister. I walk home from school. Occasionally I get rides. It’s more convenient. I don’t have to worry about being late. My hometown is too congested during the day.


  3.What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown?

  I used to use public transportation all the time to get to and from work. Now I live elsewhere where public transportation is not available 24/7 and is limited to certain routes, therefore I use my car instead. But the transportation in big cities is awful, so owning your own car or taking a taxi isn't such a good idea. You could be stuck in traffic forever in addition to paying for gas and parking.


  4.Do you think transportation costs are expensive in your hometown?

  Yes. They cost me an arm and a leg. So it is common to have a bicycle in China. They have been a big part of our lives. Take Beijing for example, traffic is always heavy, especially in rush hour. People can get stuck on road for two or more hours. So obviously a bicycle is the best mode of transportation.


  5.Can you suggest any ways to improve the transport system in your hometown?

  Something should be done to shorten the intervals between bus services. The waiting times for some services can be as long as 30 minutes. Moreover, the problem is it's a vicious cycle. No one wants to use it because it sucks, and it sucks because no one uses it. The only way to break out of the cycle is to pour in some money and give it time. We need more bicycle friendly streets, solar powered vehicles, mass transit in the shape of more trains, higher speed trains and incentives for public transportation.


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