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2017年US News 美国工程类院校(研究生)前100名雅思分数要求

时间:2017-07-31  / 编辑:Randy

  排名源自US News & World Report (2017), 雅思分数由雅思考试主办方根据所列大学官网信息查询并更新于2016年3月。

Ranking University Address Web IELTS Requirements Score
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA www.mit.edu 7
* Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (ESD): 7.5
2 Stanford University Stanford, CA www.stanford.edu Please consult the school
3 University of California—​Berkeley Berkeley, CA www.berkeley.edu 7
4 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA www.caltech.edu IELTS accepted. Contact school for score
5 Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA www.cmu.edu College of Engineering:
* Department of Biomedical Engineering: 7.5
* Mechanical Engineering: overall 6
* Civil & Environmental Engineering/ Electrical & Computer Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Information Networking Institute: 7.0
* Program in Engineering & Technology Innovation Management: 7 with no sub-score lower than 6
* Integrated Innovation Institute: 6.5
6 University of Michigan—​Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI www.umich.edu IELTS accepted. Contact school for score
7 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA www.gatech.edu Please consult the school
7 University of Illinois—​Urbana-​Champaign Urbana, IL illinois.edu 6.5 with a score of 6 or higher in all sub-sections
9 Purdue University—​West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN www.purdue.edu 6.5
10 University of Texas—​Austin (Cockrell) Austin, TX www.utexas.edu Cockrell School of Engineering: 6.5
11 Texas A&M University—​College Station (Look) College Station, TX www.tamu.edu 6
12 Cornell University Ithaca, NY www.cornell.edu 7
12 University of Southern California (Viterbi) Los Angeles, CA www.usc.edu Viterbi School of Engineering:
* PhD: 7, with at least 6 on each band.
* Master: 6.5, with no less than 6 on each band score
14 Columbia University (Fu Foundation) New York, NY www.columbia.edu Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science: 6.5
14 University of California—​Los Angeles (Samueli) Los Angeles, CA www.ucla.edu Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science: 7.0
* Bioengineering: 8.0
14 University of Wisconsin—​Madison Madison, WI www.wisc.edu College of Engineering: 7.0
* Mechanical Engineering: 6.0
17 University of California—​San Diego (Jacobs) La Jolla, CA www.ucsd.edu Jacobs School of Engineering: 7.0
* Computer Science and Engineering: Please consult the school
18 Princeton University Princeton, NJ www.princeton.edu School of Engineering and Applied Science: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score
* Computer Science: 7.0
19 Northwestern University (McCormick) Evanston, IL www.northwestern.edu McCormick School of Engineering: 7.0
19 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA www.upenn.edu School of Engineering & Applied Science: 7.5
21 Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) Baltimore, MD www.jhu.edu Whiting School of Engineering: 7.0
21 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA www.vt.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
* Mechanical Engineering: 7.0
* Biomedical Engineering and Sciences: 7.0
* Electrical & Computer Engineering: 7.5
23 University of California—​Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA www.ucsb.edu College of Engineering: 7.0
24 Harvard University Cambridge, MA www.harvard.edu John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences: Please consult the school.
24 University of Maryland—​College Park (Clark) College Park, MD www.umd.edu A.James Clark School of Engineering: 7 with at least 7 in Listening, Reading and Writing, 6.5 in Speaking.
24 University of Washington Seattle, WA www.washington.edu College of Engineering:
* Human Centered Design & Engineering: 7.0 (including 7.0 Speaking sub-score)
* Civil & Environmental Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Master of Applied Bioengineering/ : 7.0
* Computer Science & Engineering: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score. (PhD: 7.0)
* Electrical Engineering: Please consult the school.
* Master of Engineering in Industrial & Systems Engineering: 7.0
27 North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC www.ncsu.edu College of Engineering: 6.5 with not section below 6.5
27 Pennsylvania State University—​University Park University Park, PA www.psu.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
27 University of Minnesota—​Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN twin-cities.umn.edu College of Engineering: 6.5 overall with 6.5 section scores for both writing and reading
30 Duke University (Pratt) Durham, NC duke.edu Pratt School of Engineering: 7.0
* Master of Engineering/ Master of Engineering Management: Please consult the school.
31 Ohio State University Columbus, OH www.osu.edu College of Engineering: 7.0
* Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering/ Electrical and Computer Engineering/ Material Science and Engineering: 7.0 required, 7.5 preferred.
* Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering: 7.0 required, 8.0 preferred
31 Rice University (Brown) Houston, TX www.rice.edu George R. Brown School of Engineering: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
* Bioengineering/ Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering/ Computer Sciecne/ Electrical & Computer Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering: 7.0
33 University of California—​Davis Davis, CA www.ucdavis.edu College of Engineering:
* Computer Science/ Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering: Accepted, please contact score for detailed score.
* Chemical Engineering and Material Science/ Civil and Environmental Engineering/ Transportation Techonology and Policy/ Biomedical Engineering: 7.0
* Electrical and Computer Engineering: 7.0
33 University of Colorado—​Boulder Boulder, CO www.colorado.edu College of Engineering & Applied Science:
* Aerospace Engineering/ Mechanical engineering (master's): 6.5 * Chemical Engineering/ Civil engineering/ Electrical engineering: 7.0 * Computer science/ Materials Science & Engineering: 6.0 * Engineering Management/ Mechanical engineering (doctoral): 7.5
35 Boston University Boston, MA www.bu.edu College of Engineering: 7
36 Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN www.vanderbilt.edu School of Engineering:
* Interdisciplinary Material Science: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
* Civil and Environmental Engineering: Please consult the school
37 University of California—​Irvine (Samueli) Irvine, CA uci.edu Samueli School of Engineering: An overall minimum score of 7 for admission, with a score of no less than 6 on any individual module.
38 Yale University New Haven, CT www.yale.edu School of Engineering & Applied Science: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
* PhD in Biomedical Engineering: 7.0
39 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY rpi.edu School of Engineering: 6.5
* Aeronautical Engineering/ Engineering Physics/ Mechanical Engineering/ Materials Engineering/ Nuclear Engineering/ Nuclear Engineering and Science: 7.0
39 University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA www.virginia.edu School of Engineering & Applied Science: 7.0
41 University of Rochester Rochester, NY www.rochester.edu Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences: 7.0
* Optics: 7.0
* Computer Science/ Mechanical Engineering: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score
42 Northeastern University Boston, MA www.northeastern.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
43 Arizona State University (Fulton) Tempe, AZ www.asu.edu Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering: 6.5
* Chemical Engineering/ Material Science & Engineering: 7.0
* Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment: overall band score of at least 6.5 with no band below 6.0.
43 University of Florida Gainesville, FL www.ufl.edu Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering: 6.0
43 University of Pittsburgh (Swanson) Pittsburgh, PA www.pitt.edu Swanson Engineering: 6.5.
Students with TOEFL scores of less than 100 on the iBT, 600 on the PBT, or less than Band 7.0 on the IELTS must take an additional test of English language proficiency.
46 Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH www.case.edu School of Engineering: 7.0
46 New York University Brooklyn, NY www.nyu.edu Tandon School of Engineering: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
48 Iowa State University Ames, IA www.iastate.edu College of Engineering:
* Electrical and Computer Engineering/ Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering/ Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering/ Materials
Science &
Engineering/ Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering: 6.5
* Chemical and Biological Engineering: 7.0
* Mechanical Engineering: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
48 Michigan State University East Lansing, MI msu.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
48 University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN www.nd.edu College of Engineering: 7.0
51 Lehigh University (Rossin) Bethlehem, PA www1.lehigh.edu P.C. Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Science: Please consult the school.
51 University of Delaware Newark, DE www.udel.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
* Mechanical Engineering/ Civil and Environmental Engineering: a minimum score of 6.5 with no individual sub-score below 6.0
51 University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT www.utah.edu College of Engineering:
* School of Computing/ Entertainment Arts & Engineering: 6.5
* Chemical Engineering: 7.0
* Materials Science & Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering: 7.0
*Mining Engineering: 6.5
*Metallurgical Engineering: 6.5
* Electrical & Computer Engineering: 7.5
* Civil & Environmental Engineering: 7.5
51 Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO wustl.edu School of Engineering & Applied Science: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
55 Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO www.mines.edu 6.5
55 University of Arizona Tucson, AZ www.arizona.edu College of Engineering: 7, with no subject area below a 6
57 Dartmouth College (Thayer) Hanover, NH dartmouth.edu Thayer School of Engineering: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
57 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—​New Brunswick Piscataway, NJ www.rutgers.edu School of Engineering: 7.0
57 University of Massachusetts—​Amherst Amherst, MA www.umass.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
60 University of Illinois—​Chicago Chicago, IL www.uic.edu College of Engineering: 6.5, with subscores of 6.0 for all four subscores
61 University at Buffalo—​SUNY Buffalo, NY www.buffalo.edu School of Engineering & Applied Sciences: 6.5 overall with no individual sub-score below 6.0.
62 Auburn University (Ginn) Auburn, AL www.auburn.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
62 Stony Brook University—​SUNY Stony Brook, NY www.stonybrook.edu College of Engineering & Applied Sciences: Overall score of 6.5, with no subsection recommended to be below 6
62 University of Tennessee—​Knoxville Knoxville, TN www.utk.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
65 Brown University Providence, RI www.brown.edu School of Engineering: 7.0
65 Clemson University Clemson, SC www.clemson.edu College of Engineering and Science: 6.5
65 Drexel University Philadelphia, PA drexel.edu College of Engineering: 7.0
65 Tufts University Medford, MA www.tufts.edu School of Engineering: 6.5
65 University of Dayton Dayton, OH www.udayton.edu School of Engineering: 6.5
65 University of Iowa Iowa City, IA www.uiowa.edu College of Engineering: 7.0, with no subscore less than 6.0
* Biomedical Engineering: 7 IELTS total, no subscore less than 6.0.
* Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: 7.0
* Industrial Engineering: 7.0
71 Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO www.colostate.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
71 University of California—​Riverside (Bourns) Riverside, CA www.ucr.edu Bourns College of Engineering: overall band score of 7 with no individual section score less than 6
73 Illinois Institute of Technology (Armour) Chicago, IL web.iit.edu Armour College Of Engineering: 6.5
73 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT uconn.edu School of Engineering: 6.5
* Biomedical Engineering/ Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering/ Electrical & Computer Engineering/ Materials Science & Engineering: 6.5
73 University of Houston (Cullen) Houston, TX www.uh.edu Cullen College of Engineering: an overall score of a 6.5, with a minimum writing score of 6.5
* Biomedical Engineering/ Civil Engineering: 7.0
73 University of Texas—​Dallas (Jonsson) Richardson, TX www.utdallas.edu Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science: 6.5
77 Oregon State University Corvallis, OR oregonstate.edu Chemical Engineering/ Environmental Engineering: 6.5
77 Stevens Institute of Technology (Schaefer) Hoboken, NJ www.stevens.edu Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering & Science: 7.0
77 Syracuse University Syracuse, NY www.syr.edu College of Engineering and Computer Science: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.
80 University of North Carolina—​Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC www.unc.edu 7
80 Washington State University Pullman, WA wsu.edu Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture: 7.0
82 Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI www.mtu.edu College of Engineering: 7.0
* Master of Engineering/ Geological Engineering/ Geology/Geophysics/ Hybrid Electric Drive Vehicle Engineering/ Materials Science and Engineering/ Mining Engineering: 6.5
82 University of Central Florida Orlando, FL www.ucf.edu College of Engineering & Computer Science: 6.5
82 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH www.uc.edu College of Engineering and Applied Science: 6.5
82 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM www.unm.edu School of Engineering: 6.5
* Nuclear Engineering: 7.0
82 University of Texas—​Arlington Arlington, TX www.uta.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
* Master in Computer Science and Engineering/ PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: 7.0
87 Rochester Institute of Technology (Gleason) Rochester, NY www.rit.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
* Industrial and Systems Engineering: 6.0-6.5
87 University of Alabama—​Huntsville Huntsville, AL www.uah.edu College of Engineering: 6.5, all sub-scores ≥ 6.0
87 University of California—​Santa Cruz (Baskin) Santa Cruz, CA www.ucsc.edu Jack Baskin School Of Engineering: 7.0
87 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA www.wpi.edu 7.0 overall band score with no sub-score lower than 6.5
91 University of Missouri Columbia, MO missouri.edu College of Engineering: 6.5 with 6.0 on each subsection.
* Computer Science: 6.5-7.0
* Informatics Institute: 6.0
92 George Washington University Washington, DC www.gwu.edu School of Engineering & Applied Sciences: Overall band score of 6.0 with no individual score below 5.0
* Engineering Management or Systems Engineering programs: 7.0
92 Missouri University of Science & Technology Rolla, MO www.mst.edu College of Engineering and Computing: 6.5
* Computer Science: 7.0
92 New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, NJ www.njit.edu College of Engineering: 6.5 with no sub-score lower than 6.0
92 Texas Tech University (Whitacre) Lubbock, TX www.ttu.edu Edward E. Whitacre JR. College of Engineering: 6.5
92 University of Kentucky Lexington, KY www.uky.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
* Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering : 7.0
92 University of Nebraska—​Lincoln Lincoln, NE www.unl.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
98 University of Kansas Lawrence, KS www.ku.edu School of Engineering: 6.0 with no part score below 5.5
* Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering:6.0 or higher, with reading, listening and writing part scores all 5.5 or higher
* Chemical and Petroleum Engineering: 6.5, with no individual section below 5.5
98 University of Oklahoma Norman, OK www.ou.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
* Engineering Physics: 7.0
100 Indiana University-​Purdue University—​Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN www.iupui.edu School of Engineering and Techonology: 6.5
*Students with IELTS overall band score of 7.0 and above
are exempted from the EAP test requirement.
100 Kansas State University Manhattan, KS www.k-state.edu College of Engineering: 6.5 with reading, listening and writing scores at 6.5 or higher
100 Louisiana State University—​Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA www.lsu.edu College of Engineering: 6.5
100 University of Maryland—​Baltimore County Baltimore, MD umbc.edu College of Engineering and Information Technology: 6.5
* Engineering Management: 7.0
* Cybersecurity: 7.5
100 University of South Florida Tampa, FL www.usf.edu College of Engineering: 6.5




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